Smut's that you say? Why, yes, it is.
Wipe off your monitors, everyone! Jackie over at The Crafty Reader is steaming up the place with Smut-tember, which is sure to have us all fanning ourselves and wishing for cool October breezes by the end of the month!
Smut-tember is Jackie's first feature, and it's sure to be a fun one! I volunteered for it before she even had it fully planned out because 1) I gotsta support my friend's blog! and 2) I never read any steamy romance before... and what better excuse to give some a whirl??
Because this is my first detour into Swoonsville, Jackie is sending me the 5 books I'll be reading for this month. I don't know what they will be... Could be cheesy, raunchy, funny, dirty, silly, yummy, or blahsome, but one thing I can say is that this will be an entirely new experience for my *ahem* innocent eyes. ...And they are excited! :)
I'll post again when I receive the 5 books she's sending me. I've already factored these 5 into the final "ban count" for September's Book Ban.So don't worry... no cheating there!
If you're looking for an excuse to read some yum-tastic eye-candy, please join! You can read any kind of romance/erotica/smut/PNR etc you want... Just leave your keys in the bowl by the door and pop on over to Jackie's blog and sign up on her Mr. Linky!
Be there or be square! :P
Ha. This is hilarious. What a great name for an event. Enjoy your smut! ;p